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So far Countryside Veterinary Hospital has created 98 blog entries.

Can It Wait? Emergency Versus Urgent Veterinary Care

Caring for a sick or injured pet can be stressful. You can easily feel overwhelmed trying to figure out whether your pet's situation requires immediate emergency care or if their health condition can wait for an urgent care or standard veterinary appointment. Our Countryside Veterinary Hospital team explains how to make this decision so your [...]

By |2024-03-18T02:35:23+00:00March 17th, 2024|Pet Safety|0 Comments

Give Thanks for a Healthy Pet: 5 Ways to Avoid Thanksgiving Day Disasters

As Thanksgiving rolls around, you are usually focused on friends, family, and food—not dangers to your four-legged friend. But, from toxic foods to travel plans gone awry, hazards abound for your pet. With a little bit of planning ahead, however, you can keep your pet safe and out of trouble while enjoying the holiday together.  [...]

By |2023-11-06T04:00:35+00:00November 5th, 2023|Pet Safety|0 Comments

Frequently Asked Questions About Pet Obesity and Weight Management

American pets are facing a rising obesity epidemic, with veterinarians classifying an increasing number of pets as being overweight or obese each year. Most pet owners are unsure of their pet’s appropriate weight or how a healthy body shape should look. In addition, many pet owners equate generous treat giving with showing their furry pal [...]

By |2023-10-13T23:21:29+00:00October 13th, 2023|Pet Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Understand Changes in Your Pet’s Eating or Drinking Habits

Changes in your pet’s food or water intake can indicate a serious health problem that requires a veterinary examination. Our Countryside Veterinary Hospital team explains what issues can cause changes to your pet’s appetite or thirst. Why is my pet not eating? When your dog or cat sniffs their food and walks away, they may [...]

By |2023-09-08T01:43:28+00:00September 7th, 2023|Pet Health & Wellness|0 Comments

The Sky is Falling! Canine Noise Aversion

Many dog owners consider their pet’s fear of loud noises, such as fireworks or thunderstorms, normal behavior. Although two-thirds of dogs react nervously to loud noises, this behavior is not only abnormal but also a treatable medical disorder. The Countryside Veterinary Hospital team is providing tips for managing your pet’s noise aversion and medical treatments [...]

3 Reasons Your Pet May Be Itchy

Itchy, irritated, and inflamed skin is a common problem that is extremely uncomfortable for your pet, and their constant scratching, biting, and licking is likely extremely frustrating for you and your family. Our Countryside Veterinary Hospital team explains three reasons that may be responsible for your pet’s itchiness and ways to address the problem. Flea [...]

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